Skip Lines at the Club with Shaz List
There are only two ways to enter the club without queuing! You either decide to be very rude and get bad looks from everyone waiting while you try to skip lines (which is not even an effective method), or you can also SAY SHAZ LIST AT THE ENTRANCE OF DOWNTOWN every Friday and Saturday to skip the queue for free! It’s much more respectful and easy.more respectful and easy.more respectful and easy.
So what are you waiting for? Join us at Downtown this week!
- FREE ENTRY (until 01:00, but be there at 23:45 or it might be full if you come later). Say SHAZ LIST at the entrance!at the entrance!at the entrance!at the entrance!at the entrance!at the entrance!
- SKIP LINES (enter on the left for rapid access )at the entrance!at the entrance!at the entrance!
Dress code
Smart & Elegant
Current top hitsCurrent top hitsCurrent top hitsCurrent top hitsCurrent top hitsCurrent top hitsCurrent top hit
Avda. Doctor Marañón 17, Barcelona (see map here)
How can I get there?
The nearest metro stop: L3, L9 Zona Universitària L3, L9 Zona Unive rsitàriaL3, L9 Zona Unive rsitàriaL3, L9 Zona Univer sitàri aL3, L9 Zona Uni versitàri aL3, L9 Zona Università riaL3, L9 Zona Universitàri aL3, L9 Zona Unive rsitària
See you there! But before that, check out our other parties
See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!See you there!