Coming to Barcelona? Tell us when

Work with us!

Work with us!

  • Work with us!

    Work with us! Are you looking for an internship in Barcelona? We’re looking for interns to join our team at Erasmus Barcelona! Come to Barcelona and work with us! Barcelona is a party town. It’s a city that never sleeps, and it’s one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. We’re looking for interns who […]

  • Meilleures boîtes de Barcelone

    Meilleures boîtes de Barcelone

    Meilleures boîtes de Barcelone Si tu as été accepté en Eramus ou en stage à Barcelone, la probabilité que tu sois un sacré fêtard est élevée ! Est-ce qu’on se trompe ? ???? Mais évidemment, malgré les bourses de mobilité, sortir dans les boîtes et les bars n’est pas forcément donné… Et bien c’est faux […]

  • Internships in Barcelona – Erasmus + Programm

    Internships in Barcelona – Erasmus + Program Hey Erasmus & International Students! Would you like to do one of our internships in Barcelona? Improve your capacities, learn how our company works and upgrade your CV? offers internships in Barcelona with the Erasmus + program! Description of Ideal Candidate: – Erasmus Student – EU passport […]

  • Volunteering – Erasmus Barcelona

    Volunteering with Us If you have enough free time and will, you can colaborate with us by volunteering! We are searching for people that love to party, make friends, and travell! And if you’re asking… “Why should I be a volunteer?!” Here’s why: … you will develop important skills, like •Communicating efficiently with members of […]

  • Jobs – Erasmus Barcelona

    Jobs – Erasmus Barcelona Are you looking for a job? Are sociable and like to make new friends in Barcelona? Do you like to travel within Spain and help other Erasmus & International Students? If so, we have some part-time jobs for you. For more information about the jobs that we offer you can sign […]

Erasmus Barcelona